Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Godparents: February 28, 2010

When Ryan & I found out we were pregnant, it didn't take us long to decide who Rylee's Godparents would be. We each had two very close friends who married really great people with many desirable qualities that we can only hope Rylee will grow up around. With a sincere interest in our life and Rylee's, great character and the capacity to be role models for her, it was an obvious choice to choose the Castillo's and the Shippee's.

We know that Rylee's relationship with her Godparents will be one of encouragement, mentoring, spiritual support and friendship and we couldn't be more excited.

Over the weekend Rylee got a visit from one set of her Godparents, the Castillo's.

Rain & Ryan's Triatholon:February 27, 2010

Ryan competed in a reverse triatholon this weekend with a few buddies from his work. We were super excited for Rylee to see her Dad compete in his first event since her birth, but she ended up sleeping through the entire thing! In addition to cheering for her Dad, Rylee got her first real experience out in the rain. We made sure to bundle her up good and were lucky enough to have a rain guard that came with her carseat to ensure she remained warm & cozy. Ry ended up finishing in 1:19 which is not only impressive, but even more commendable knowing that he didn't even train! Here are a few pictures from the day:

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Rylee Say Whaaaaat!?: Video

A couple times a day I slip Rylee some happy milk & she rewards us with endless excitement and joy. While it's quite easy for us to spend far too much just watching her, we can't help but wonder what she's trying to tell us.

Rylee Meets Her Brothers: Video

A Wearer of Many Hats: February 24, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Happy to Sad in .03432 seconds: February 17, 2010

Rylee's First Big Girl Bath: February 16, 2010

Ryan gave Rylee her first real bath. (Up until today, she was only allowed to have sponge baths.) She cried most of the time and didn't seem to enjoy the experience too much other than the head shampoo and massage!

Her First Valentine's Day: February 14, 2010

Ryan planned a sweet picnic for us girls on Valentine's Day complete with wine, cheese, crackers and fresh fruit! Here are a few pictures we took at the local park.

Rylee's First Photo Shoot: February 10, 2010

Ryan & I decided to take a few pictures of Rylee today for her birth announcement. Here are a few photos that didn't make the announcement but definitely captured our hearts!

Rylee's Birth: February 5, 2010

Rylee Berlynn was born on February 5, 2010 at 4:25 pm weighing in at 6 lbs 15 ounces and measuring 20 inches long. So far, the adventure of parenthood has brought us tons of joy, love, sleeplessness and respect for each other. Here are a few pictures from her birth day.
Weighing in after birth

Her first night in the hospital

Rylee with Mom waiting to leave the hospital

Dad calming Rylee before we leave the hospital

Her first car ride

Home at last!!