Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day: May 31, 2010

Rylee had an awesome first Memorial Day! We spent time at one of the local parks, went to a BBQ at her Great Uncle Shaun and Great Aunt Lisa's home and watched Dad partake in a CrossFit charity competition honoring the lives of local fallen soldiers.

Hope you all enjoyed the extra long weekend and took a moment to give thanks to those who have lost their lives fighting for our freedoms.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Rylee's 4 Month Check Up: May 27, 2010

Rylee had an appointment at the doctor's office today for her well check and 4-month immunizations. The last time she had her shots, back in March, she was so sleepy she practically slept all day and night! Not the story today. I guess she's already grown up to be a spunky & playful little one.

I had every intention of taking before and after pictures of Rylee at the doctor's today because I was sure I'd be getting grumpy dirty looks after letting those nurses stab her a few times. But once again, Miss Rylee proved me wrong. Not only was she happy, but she was in a great shopping mood. We hit up a few Memorial Day sales and got Rylee some great clothes (as if she needs anymore, but I honestly can't resist. They should have AA for moms who buy their daughters WAY too many clothes. Seriously.)

So, here are the before pictures when we were waiting for the doctor. And then there is one after picture of us shopping it up!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Happy Anniversary: May 22, 2010

Today we went to San Diego to celebrate my grandparent's wedding anniversary. It was so special to meet the friends that they've made along the way during their 65 years of marriage. And of course it was a pleasure to see the smiles on their faces everytime an old friend walked through the door.

It was probably one of the largest crowds Rylee has been around since she was born. But once she realized all eyes were on her, she warmed right up to everyone.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Our Happy Girl: May 21, 2010

Rylee just may be the happiest little girl in the world. This week, she spent most of her days with mom and dad smiling away. I sware I've never seen this girl smile so much. It won't be too long before we hear her laugh. She's made a few good attempts during a few of her happy moments and we can't wait to hear it!

She's still loving to use her leg muscles to stand up. Her newest trick is to stand up right before she's about to get into her carseat. She straightens her legs as hard as she can so we can't get her in there until she tires out!

Rylee has been experimenting a lot with her voice as well. She likes to push her lips in and hum away. Here are a few pictures of humming:

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hands & Standing: March 13, 2010

Rylee tries to put just about everything in her mouth now. Her blankets, her clothes, her hands, my hands- EVERYTHING! She's also getting much better at standing and holding her own weight. She can't balance while standing, but her little legs are definitely holding her up now!

Lately, when we're out and about, Rylee get tons of compliments on her big blue eyes. I know she doesn't understand what these strangers are saying about her, but each time she smiles and giggles at them I wonder if just maybe she knows how cute she is!

Trying to get a picture of the little one standing, while still supporting her with balance was tough. Here's my best shot:

And a few others:

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day: May 9, 2010

My first Mother's Day was nothing short of wonderful! Rylee (aka Ryan) surprised me with wonderful flowers, gifts and the sweetest card! We had a fantastic time celebrating with our families. Thank you to all of you who made my first Mother's Day so sweet! (& Happy Mother's Day to my mom and mom-in-law!)

Friday, May 7, 2010

3 Month Old Rylee B

Rylee turned 3 months old this week. I still can't get over all the changes she has been going through. It seems like everyday she starts something new.

She is still drooling a ton which has led to her shoving her hands in her mouth almost constantly! She can sit up now with the support of a pillow behind her and loves standing up with the help of mom and dad. She entertains herself in her ExerSaucer and has a blast laughing. She recognizes Ryan & I almost as soon as she hears our voices. If she doesn't look right at us, she stops what she's doing and listens as if to track where we are in the room. We are LOVING all the exciting things going on in her life.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

She's a Talker: May 6, 2010

Well Rylee has been working pretty hard on her conversational skills. She is smiling and babbling much more and sometimes even practices with herself. The other day on my way home from work she was babbling away in the backseat!

Here are a few pictures with her chatting it up with her security bear.