Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bad for Business: October 24, 2010

Hmmm look who decided she doesn't like to wear headbands anymore? Not just headbands- we even lost a hat in Target yesterday because she ripped it off and threw it somewhere while I was searching for dog food. :(

Just Pictures: October 22, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Rylee Pumpkin: October 16, 2010

Last weekend we took Rylee to the pumpkin patch to snap a few photos and let her people watch. It is usually pretty easy to get her to look at the camera, but she was so enamored with all the pumpkins around her she didn't want anything to do with the camera.

Every minute she thought we weren't looking, she did her best to attempt to shove a pumpkin stem down her throat. She was never successful, but that didn't stop her from tackling pumpkins every chance she got!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Rylee the Daredevil! October 7, 2010

Fearless, daredevil and risk taker--those are the words Rylee's teachers used to describe her this week. The girl just mastered the art of crawling about a week ago and already she is climbing on everything so she can stand up. One of her teachers told me that Rylee is too young to be standing because she hasn't acquired enough balance yet. A bruise and a few incident reports later, Rylee proved her right!

But this girl is just like her daddy- there is no way anything is going to stand in her way. And so, she has resumed her daredevilish ways.

You might not believe me, but I snapped all these pictures in less than two minutes. She is THAT crazy!

Sunday, October 3, 2010