Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The babes.

We've been suuuuper busy around here. However, we've still been having plenty of fun eating Popsicles, having picnics, dressing up as superheroes & just hanging out! PicsArt_1335365690278 PicsArt_1335406192509 IMG_20120419_182557 PicsArt_1335406294865 PicsArt_1335405996136

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Just Pictures

Rylee & Dad enjoying the nice weather in the Harbor

Cade's grumpy face

And the happy face


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Update on the Kiddies

Rylee Update

Being Rylee's parents has been really fun lately. She is getting to the age where she is saying the sweetest/funniest things. It's so exciting to watch her little brain take it all in. I wanted to make sure I wrote down a few stories so that I can remember them.

-The other day while Cade was clenching his hands together Rylee looks over and says, "OH, Cade's praying."

-While brushing my teeth in the bedroom Rylee picked up one of the baby gates and put it across my bedroom door. "Mama, you're in time out for hitting your friends," she told me.

-Without any hesitation, Rylee starts singing "Jesus Loves Me" whenever Cade is screaming and crying loudly in the car. Ryan & I always joke that it's her prayer to God to get him to stop crying.

-While in the car, Ryan was turned around trying to calm down Cade. Rylee said "Dada, face front seat" to which Ryan replied, "What did you just say?". She responded, "Turn around dada, Cade stopped crying." So Ryan slowly turns back around with a smirk on his face only to catch Rylee say "You can't see this" while waving an open hand in front of her face. Hahaha, Ryan is the one that taught her that little diddy and she used it at the perfect time all on her own!

Of course being 2 has brought on some other not so fun things like shouting "MINE!" each time one of her friends picks up one of her toys. But, I'd have to say the funny things she says is making it all worth it!

Cade Update

Well, the kid won't stop growing! He is already in 6 month pajamas, but can still squeeze into some 3-6 month stuff. I can't even imagine how much more he will grow once he starts eating baby food!

He is rolling over onto his back all by himself. Most times he laughs once he rolls over, but sometimes he cries. He LOVES being tickled and actually laughs. That is certainly one of the best noises I get to hear everyday!

The last couple days he has been a little better in his car seat. From about 8 weeks on, he hasn't been the funnest passenger! Constantly crying (& sometimes screaming!) made it not so fun to drive him around!

He is also very aware of the world around him. He loves to sit up and be able to catch all the action! He stands (with assistance) whenever possible!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Bikini Time!!

Rylee rockin' the super cute bikini & sunglasses she got from her Great Uncle Shaun & Aunt Lisa. You may remember the bikini they bought her last year.

She was so excited she even did her happy dance.


Friday, April 6, 2012


I got this picture of Cade earlier in the week & it totally reminded me of this. Oddly enough, they were almost the exact same age.


In other news, we've had fantastic weather lately. We took quite a few walks this week.


Thursday, April 5, 2012


We've been teaching Rylee to say her prayers for a while now. She says them by herself and usually go something like this:

"Dear Jesus, Thank you for my dada, thank you for my mama, thank you for my brother, Amen."

Earlier this week, she started saying her prayers a little differently:

"Dear Jesus, Thank you for my dada, thank you for my mama, thank you for my brother, thank you for myself, Amen."

Thank you for myself!?!? Where in the heck did she learn that?? Apparently she noticed she was the only family member not being mentioned during her prayer & decided to do something about it. Sweet, sweet girl.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Rylee & I shared a special treat earlier this week. She loved the Peep Bunny on the top!




Cade didn't get any, but he didn't really seem to mind!



Monday, April 2, 2012

Sleep, Smiles and a Swing

Last week was quite a busy week around here!

The biggest news is that Cade has started sleeping in his own room. I am quite grateful to finally get some better sleep. Here is a shot of him just as he was falling asleep.


He continues to bring us so much joy with that sweet smile!


And Rylee has found that daddy's exercise equipment makes a pretty cool swing...

