Monday, April 26, 2010

Droolette Rylee B: April 26, 2010

Nowadays it's hard to snap a picture of Rylee Girl without drool coming out of her mouth or saliva all over her chin. It feels like the second we wipe her mouth, she's already got spit slipping out.

And so it seems, the teething process has begun! While her teeth probably won't come through the gums until she is 6-8 months old, they have started traveling upward. Apparently the reason she is drooling so much is because when her teeth begin traveling through her gums it catalyzes saliva production. Aha!!

So please don't mind the drool as you look over these pictures... :)


  1. Adorable!!!!!! Can't wait to play with her again soon.


  2. Ryken is kind of over the drool, but he is learning to give kisses. Today he basically drooled all over my face with his kisses but I loved it.
