Thursday, July 29, 2010

Rylee the Entertainer: July 29, 2010

Ryan & I have had a hunch for a while now that Rylee might end up being a little social butterfly. She loves being outdoors. We used to think that it was because she liked the sunshine and fresh air, but we're slowly becoming more aware that it's really because she likes to people watch. Let me rephrase that: Rylee likes to people stare. Once she locks eyes with someone, she makes sure to keep their attention for as long as possible. Sometimes it's just with a little baby eyed stare, but if that doesn't work, she pulls out all her bells and whistles: She grins, she laughs, she wiggles, she kicks- she does everything in her power to make sure each stranger we meet is entertained. And I won't complain, it makes for good conversation during those silent elevator rides or long grocery store lines!!!


  1. Rylee's biggest non-relation fan!!

  2. Rylee Girl's smile and curious way she's checking out her pants are so cute...can't help but grin..
