Monday, February 27, 2012

The Potty Trials

Well, Miss Rylee no longer owns diapers. Seriously, she threw them all away (minus a few I tucked away for the neighbors!). But its okay, it was all apart of this intense 3-day potty training program we started over the weekend.

After hearing way too many moms rave about the program, I finally decided to give it a try. You go straight from diapers to undies without ever buying pull ups or trainers or any other "crutch". You are essentially trapped in the house all 3 days, minus the two times we cheated. So, we played lots of Minnie Mouse, watched movies, painted our nails, made cupcakes & took way too many pictures. Today is day 3 & we are officially accident free :)

And this one is my least favorite. Is this a preview of 10 years from now????

1 comment:

  1. Good girl Rylee!!!! Such a smart lil girl. These pics are fantastic and the last one is definitely a preview of 10 years from now. Tell Rylee Auntie Kel owes her a cupcake for her good work
