Eating at the dinner table is not the easiest task with two little ones. I won't lie, many dinners are eaten on the floor where Cade can crawl around and Rylee can roam free. One day we will all have wonderful family dinners together, but that time just isn't now. And, I'm okay with that. Here is a picture from our first & only family dinner where we all sat at the same table. To be honest, I'm not sure we even made it through the entire dinner. We're picking and choosing our battles nowadays, and this battle is not one I'd like to fight now. :)
More eating pictures...
We went to a carnival and of all the butterflies and unicorns and stars, Rylee wanted a spider. She would constantly look down at it and say "He's tickling me!!!"
Cade's first trip to the beach. It's not a great picture, but I took both the kids on my own (not the best idea I ever had). So, my ability to keep one child from throwing sand all over and the other from eating it pretty much ruled out any opportunity of getting a cute picture!
And this girl? Tanner then both her parents. Looks like she might have her Papa Mike's skin. Ryan said that makes him nervous. Me too!
Girl I feel your pain with dinner time at the table...and right now there are only three of us